What We Do

The Maranacook Lake Association supports many activities that protect and improve the water quality of Maranacook Lake and its watershed.


Provide Courtesy Boat Inspectors

The Courtesy Boat Inspector program is our first line of defense in protecting Maranacook Lake from the introduction of aquatic invasive species. We team with the Cobbossee Watershed Friends at the Readfield and Winthrop public boat ramps. The CBI program educates boaters while catching any plant fragments before launching and when leaving the lake. 

Learn more


Plant Survey

Surveying the shallow areas of the lake, looking for plants that are "suspicious" of being invasive, is our second line of defense against weeds that could take over the lake. MLA contracts with the Friends to survey the most at-risk areas to make sure that an unwanted plant has not entered and taken hold. 

To add more eyes on the water, we train our members to look for suspicious plants when you are out on the lake! 


MLA Facebook Page & Annual Meeting

There are too many issues that can impact enjoyment of our lake. Maranacook Lake Association works for the benefit of all lakefront owners by working with municipalities, regional groups like the Friends and the Cobbossee Watershed District, and state agencies and groups that work to protect water quality.

MLA Keeps you up to date with all things Maranacook related through our newsletters, Facebook and here on our website.


Read about us in our Newsletters.